Enrol for Pachamama Early Education and Childcare & Activity Centre
to My Family Lounge
See video below on how to register

Enrolling your child at our service is easy!
To commence your Pachamama enrolment, click on the ENROL link in the “Sign-In” form. This will guide you through creating your My Family Lounge account. You will receive an email prompting you to setup your password.
You will then be led through the enrolment waitlist creation process. Please tell us about you and your child, and what service you are seeking from Pachamama.
Upon enrolling your child at our service you will be required to pay an waitlist processing fee. Press save and finish to notify Pachamama of your waitlist enrolment.
Pachamama will get back to you within 5 days to discuss your needs and our availability based on your waitlist information.
If we have a spot, we will email you an Offer. Simply accept the offer, complete and submit your child’s Enrolment form online to confirm your child spot.
Download the App
Click the buttons below to download the My Family Lounge (MFL) App and use you MFL account to book in for casual days.
Visit myfamilylounge.com.au to see how this amazing parent portal will benefit you as the parent and step by step videos on how to use it.